Wednesday 11 May 2011


His work is influenced by many people such as Will Eisner; Creator of the 1940s comic strip “The Spirit” This was one of the first comic to bring cinematic visuals in comic storytelling. James learned a lot from Eisner’s work and other at the time when he started his career.
However his influences did not just come through Artists he drew inspiration from music. For his first part of The Crow was dedicated to Ian Curtis who hung himself.  The four comic contain many references to music. Some of references as blank as song names from Ian’s band or lyrics from the Cure throughout them. Even Eric’s movements are inspired by Iggy Pop.
Eric’s Face paint that he has on is based on a British drama Three Faces (Pain Irony and Despair) which really comes through in his story line and the face paint in its self is very iconic.
The Crow was released in 1989 and due to money issue’s had to stop however in 1991 Tundra printing took over the story and re packaged and had a few little tweaks done and then released the story in a new three volume graphic novel
Pain and Fear
Irony and Despair

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